The Giggling Girl

Witness: Brandon
Location: South Gate, Kentucky
Date of Encounter: October 31, 2002

It started out me and three of my friends were walking down a walking trail by the Southgate Recreation Center. We ventured off the paved path and came upon a pond and the foundation of an old house or some sort of building. We decided to sit in the foundation and build a fire. Within a half an hour of settling down around the fire, we started hearing noises in the woods around us. We thought of it as being nothing more than an animal of some kind. We continued to sit around the fire and talk but we grew silent as we heard the sound of footsteps on the concrete foundation. Me and another one of my friends got up and looked around but we did not see a thing. We sat back down and started talking again. A couple minutes later we were talking about the graveyard up the hill from us — this was about 11 PM. Suddenly we hear what we thought to be the sound of a young girl giggling in the woods behind us. We pointed our flashlights toward the sound and then suddenly I hear the voice say, "CITY….hehehe…" I stumbled back behind my friends because she had said my name — she continued saying the names of all my friends that were there. We all got up and started to run and as we got back to the path we turned around and saw a little girl wearing a white satin dress. She waved to us, then disappeared.. This is a true story — you don't have to believe me, but I know what I heard and saw that night and to this day it still freaks me out to even mention it.

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