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The Dreamer's Book of the Dead: A Soul Traveler's Guide to Death, Dying, and the Other Side by Robert MossThe Dreamer’s Book of the Dead: A Soul Traveler’s Guide to Death, Dying, and the Other Side
By Robert Moss
Publisher: Destiny Books (September 2005)
Pages: 310 – Price: $16.95 review

This nonfiction book is identified as a soul traveler’s guide to death, dying, and the other side, and it is precisely that! It has a gusto and life all its own. Robert Moss is to be congratulated on a fine work, one that is informative and enjoyable to read.

There is much insight in what to expect after death. There are insights on what is in the other side. Robert Moss shares these insights clearly with the reader. 

There is a sense of serenity from contact with the other side. This is an important aspect of the book which will enchant its readers. So many facts, yet so logically presented that you wonder where the time has gone when you suddenly discover you have finished reading this fine book!

The introduction is about the pioneers of death. The fascinating prologue is about the night when the veil thins. Some of the chapters carry such topics as “The Presence of the Dead,” “Dream Visitations,” “Thirteen Reasons Why the Dead Come Calling,” Visioning the Western Book of the Dead,” “The Crossing,” “The Way of the Heart,” and “Soul Choices and Parallel Lives.” The appendix material covers the importance of dreams.

The comment quoted by Chief Seattle is fitting for this book: “There is no death, we just change worlds.” A fine reading experience, it is one the reader will relish! 

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