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Newsletter Archive:

#140 October 15, 2013
#139 September 18, 2013
#138 August 20, 2013
#137 June 18, 2013
#136 March 15, 2013
#135 January 18, 2013
#134 December 17, 2012
#133 November 20, 2012
#132 October 16, 2012
#131 September 17, 2012
#130 August 20, 2012
#129 July 17, 2012
#128 June 18, 2012
#127 May 17, 2012
#126 April 19, 2012
#125 March 17, 2012
#124 February 17, 2012
#123 January 17, 2012
#122 December 16, 2011
#121 November 17, 2011
#120 October 17, 2011
#119 September 16, 2011
#118 August 18, 2011
#117 July 18, 2011
#116 June 16, 2011
#115 May 18, 2011
#114 April 20, 2011
#113 February 18, 2011
#112 January 17, 2011
#111 December 16, 2010
#110 November 18, 2010
#109 October 15, 2010
#108 September 17, 2010
#107 August 16, 2010
#106 July 15, 2010
#105 June 17, 2010
#104 May 14, 2010
#103 March 17, 2010
#102 February 16, 2010
#101 January 17, 2010
#100 December 15, 2009
#99 November 16, 2009
#98 October 15, 2009
#97 September 17, 2009
#96 August 17, 2009
#95 July 16, 2009
#94 June 17, 2009
#93 May 18, 2009
#92 April 15, 2009
#91 March 16, 2009
#90 February 16, 2009
#89 January 15, 2009
#88 December 16, 2008
#87 November 17, 2008
#86 October 16, 2008
#85 September 16, 2008
#84 August 15, 2008
#83 July 15, 2008
#82 June 16, 2008
#81 May 15, 2008
#80 April 17, 2008
#79 March 17, 2008
#78 February 15, 2008
#77 January 16, 2008
#76 December 17, 2007
#75 November 16, 2007
#74 October 16, 2007
#73 September 17, 2007
#72 August 16, 2007
#71 July 16, 2007
#70 June 15, 2007
#69 May 15, 2007
#68 April 16, 2007
#67 March 15, 2007
#66 February 15, 2007
#65 January 16, 2007
#64 December 18, 2006
#63 November 16, 2006
#62 October 16, 2006
#61 September 15, 2006
#60 August 16, 2006
#59 July 13, 2006
#58 June 15, 2006
#57 May 16, 2006
#56 April 17, 2006
#55 March 16, 2006
#54 February 16, 2006
#53 January 16, 2006
#52 December 16, 2005
#51 November 15, 2005
#50 October 14, 2005
#49 September 14, 2005
#48 August 16, 2005
#47 July 15, 2005
#46 June 15, 2005
#45 May 17, 2005
#44 April 15, 2005
#43 March 17, 2005
#42 February 15, 2005
#41 January 18, 2005
#40 December 21, 2004
#39 November 15, 2004
#38 October 15, 2004
#37 September 15, 2004
#36 August 16, 2004
#35 July 15, 2004
#34 June 14, 2004
#33 May 15, 2004
#32 April 15, 2004
#31 March 8, 2004
#30 February 9, 2004
#29 January 14, 2004
#28 December 6, 2003
#27 November 8, 2003
#26 October 11, 2003
#25 September 9, 2003
#24 August 1, 2003
#23 July 5, 2003
#22 June 7, 2003
#21 May 10, 2003
#20 April 14, 2003
#19 January 31, 2003
#18 December 20, 2002
#17 November 23, 2002
#16 October 29, 2002
#15 September 26, 2002
#14 August 24, 2002
#13 July 15, 2002
#12 May 15, 2002
#11 April 10, 2002
#10 February 18, 2002
#9 October 31, 2001
#8 May 6, 2001
#7 February 18, 2001
#6 October 30, 2000
#5 September 4, 2000
#4 July 7, 2000
#3 April 30, 2000

*Newsletters #1 and #2 seem to be lost forever. If you happen to save your emails from 1999 and 2000 and have a copy of #1 or #2, please email us at and we'll send you a t-shirt!

2014 Haunted New England Wall Calendar by Jeff Belanger photography by Frank Grace
Check out the 2014 Haunted New England wall calendar by Jeff Belanger and photography by Frank Grace!

Paranormal Conferences and Lectures
Don't miss the following events and lectures:

Jeff Belanger and “The Bridgewater Triangle” at Dedham Community Theatre - April 6, 2014 9:00PM

The Spirits of the Mark Twain House - Hartford, Connecticut - April 12, 2014

Paracon Australia - East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia - May 10-12, 2014