So You Want To Be A Medium
By Rose Vanden Eynden
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (May 2006)
Pages: 255 – Price: $12.95 review
An honest, straight-forward approach is one of the many charms of this wonderful little book! Rose Vanden Eynden sets out to share with the reader ways in which to contact the spirit world and develop a positive relationship with those spirits. This is her first published book.
Rose Vanden Eynden lives in Ohio and earned her mediumship certification from the Indiana Association of Spritualists during 2000. A gifted teacher, she conducts personal readings and is a founding member of the United Spiritualists of the Christ Light (USCL).
An important aspect of this book is that the author explains how and why every person possesses innate capabilities for spirit communication. She shares in detail how a person can enhance his or her spiritual senses for working between worlds, and the reader will appreciate her honesty.
There are exercises revealed which will help develop mediumship. Meditation, dream work, breathing, symbols, and energy systems are covered and explained in a clear manner. Readers will learn about the various types of spirit guides. She also explains how to connect with elemental energies.
The style of writing is clear, smooth in structure, and easily understood. The chapter on breathing is one of several which will catch the reader’s attention, and interest. Part Three: “Who’s Who In The Spirit World” will be of extreme interest to those interested in the paranormal and developing their personal mediumship. Protector Guides are discussed and the information is most helpful.
A fine, accurate look at mediumship is what the reader can expect from Rose Vanden Eynden’s book. This book about mediumship is highly recommended for reading and education about becoming a medium. To find out more about her, readers can contact the author at her website:
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