Oracles of the Dead: Ancient Techniques for Predicting the Future

Oracles of the Dead: Ancient Techniques for Predicting the Future by Robert TempleOracles of the Dead: Ancient Techniques for Predicting the Future
By Robert Temple
Publisher: Destiny Books (September 2005)
Pages: 453 – Price: $19.95 review

This is one of the most complete and interesting, divination studies to come along in some time! It is an in-depth analysis of the methods utilized for predicting the future. Tarot, runes, I Ching, and other oracle devices are discussed.

This is a complex, yet clear perspective on how the techniques and various traditions of Greek, Roman, and China oracles work. This is both a history and an analysis.

Robert Temple also wrote and produced the documentary film Descent into Hell based upon this book. It appeared on the National Geographical Channel.

Following a well-crafted introduction, the first part of the book covers the Western tradition. Topics cover the discovery of the Underworld, the descent into hell, oracular establishments, signs portents, and divination by entrails. The second part of the book covers the Chinese tradition. The appendix sections are fascinating with their look at such topics as the fables, riddles, and mysteries of Delphi, among others.

One special appeal of this book is the photographs and illustrations. There is much to be found in them, and each one is interesting.

For a book about oracles, this is one of the best. Entertaining reading. This is a genuine learning experience. You will come away understanding what oracles are about after having read this fine book! Robert Temple has produced a remarkable book.

Click here to buy this book now.

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