FLORHAM PARK, NEW JERSEY — Don’t miss the NJ Ghost Conference 2005 on Saturday, April 30, at the Dolce Hamilton Park Conference Center in Florham Park. Hosted by the NJ Ghost Hunters Society, this annual event, is comprised of ghost authors, researchers, and enthusiasts.
It truly is a “Ghost Hunter’s Dream Weekend” with a Friday night ghost hunt, conference all day on Saturday with authors such as Mark Nesbitt, Ghosts of Gettysburg, and Katherine Ramsland, Ph.D., Ghost. Multimedia presentations include John Zaffis’s haunted artifacts “Possessed Possessions” and Vince Wilson’s advanced technical ghost hunting techniques. There is another ghost hunt for Saturday night with a review of findings over breakfast on
Sunday morning, otherwise known as “Share & Scare." The authors/presenters will be available to autograph their ghostly books as well throughout the day on Saturday.
Whatever your preference in the study of ghosts, this conference has it. History, EVP’s, photography, and paranormal investigations “do’s and don’ts." The conference is suitable for the novice and the experienced ghost hunter.
For more information or to register online visit the NJGHS web site at www.njghs.net or call 908-400-7189. Space is limited.
L’Aura L. Hladik
Co-founder NJ Ghost Hunters Society