Million Ghost March To Defy Logic

Las Vegas, Nevada–Clairvoyants, mediums and psychics worldwide are invited to contact spirits in a major nonviolent protest of an annual convention of skeptics taking place at the South Point Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas July 8-11, 2010.

“For too long, paranormal skeptics have mocked people with a curiosity about ghosts, spirits and the afterlife. The Million Ghost March has been conceived as an opportunity to turn the tables on these unimaginative naysayers. It is a march to defy logic,” said Doc Paranormal, Adjunct Professor Without Portfolio at Edgar Allan Poe Community College, the event’s chief sponsor.

“The first Million Ghost March was held in 2008 during a prior skeptic’s convention,” continued Prof. Paranormal, “A rousing success, it raised awareness of the relentless assault on the human imagination being conducted by brutal dictators, religious zealots and paranormal skeptics.

“Due to ever-increasing attacks on creativity and unconventional thought, the students and faculty of Edgar Allan Poe Community College felt it was necessary to launch a second Million Ghost March.”

(EAPCC is a gathering place for non-traditional ideas and people formed at the request of Mr. Poe’s deceased spirit, which was contacted during an otherwise routine séance. Full details are available online at Ask Doc Paranormal, the school publication.)

Perhaps fearful of another Million Ghost March, skeptics are holding this year’s convention at the little-known South Point Hotel & Casino. Called the Amazing Meeting 8, it will feature guests including a John Lennon impersonator, a “skeptical songster,” a juggler, Penn & Teller’s pianist and “comedian and magician Mac King.”

To protest this dismal gathering of professional debunkers, volunteer clairvoyants, psychic mediums and ordinary folks are being asked to invite deceased spirits and ghosts to haunt Las Vegas and other locations throughout the world in a massive Million Ghost March.

Many celebrity spirits are expected to join the march, including Michael Jackson, Ronnie James Dio and Brittany Murphy. Says Doc Paranormal, “At the first Million Ghost March, celebrity ghosts included such Las Vegas legends as gangster Bugsy Seigel, entertainers George Raft, Liberace and George Jessel, the Rat Pack and journalist Hunter S. Thompson, author of the book fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. We expect that this year’s march will feature an international cast of contemporary spirits.”

Added Doc Paranormal, “The beauty of this event is that it will be held at multiple locations. So even during the height of the march, traffic will not be interrupted and police will not have to restrain crowds. The spirits and ghosts will be invisible, although their presence will be sensed by psychically-sensitive pedestrians and autograph hounds.

“If we can pry open the closed mind of even one skeptic–while entertaining the public and celebrating the imagination–we will consider the protest a huge success.

“The Million Ghost March is an open event. Anyone reading this press release is encouraged to ask at least one ghost to attend.”

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