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Magickal Crafts by Kristin Madden and Liz RobertsMagickal Crafts
By Kristin Madden and Liz Roberts
Publisher: New Page Books (October 2005)
Pages: 238 – Price: $14.99 review

Magickal Crafts is a fabulous book, greatly illustrated, and simply a delight to read. Both authors are from New Mexico. Together, they have crafted a remarkable book.

In addition to celebrating magickal days, there are things of special interest which can be done on those days. This book gives ample information of decorations, gifts, and unique ways to honor Divinity on these special holidays.

Among the exciting and enjoyable reading chapters are found such topics as crafting joy, and Samhain. Special sections deal with the winter solstice, Imbolc, spring equinox, Beltane, summer solstice, Lughnasadh, autumn equinox, lunar celebrations, and a nice entry on “Living A Magickal Life.”

Well-written and helpful, this book should find its way into many homes. The authors are to be congratulated on a fine book, and the honest approach they use to share the information with readers. Excellent.

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