Witness: Tiffany Nelson
Location: Savannah, Georgia
Date of Encounter: On-going,
I met my husband two years ago at a bar. About a week later, I moved into the house that he and his father live in. I awakened in the middle of the night about three weeks after I moved in to go to the kitchen for something to drink.
I got my drink and started to walk back towards my room in complete darkness. I got about halfway down the hall and saw this old man standing near my door. I asked my husband if he's ever seen anything unusual in the house, and he said yes, that it was his "granddaddy". I learned a little later that his grandfather had died in the room we occupied. I told my husband that I didn't want to stay in the room anymore, so we moved to a different room in the house.
At least once a week now I can see "granddaddy" standing in front of the door to my new room and he sometimes follows me to the bathroom. When I see him I always say "Hello, Granddaddy" and then he disappears until next time.