Witness: Sharon de Neergaard
Location: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Date of Encounter: October 2001
Last year, my mother and I visited some friends in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. While we were there we thought that it would be fun and interesting to visit Gettysburg. I looked through several brochures and found a bed & breakfast that was said to be haunted by many spirits. Its name was the Farnsworth Inn. We stayed in the last available room in the annex of the building — we were not able to stay in the actual house.
The next morning at breakfast, the couple that was staying in the McFarland room had some interesting audio tape of someone breathing heavy. While we were at breakfast, we heard the loud sound of children laughing — but there were no children staying at the inn and all of the windows were closed. I am told that there are good spirits and bad spirits at the inn. I was disappointed that I was not able to see one of the good spirits, but very happy that I did not meet with one of the bad ones who hates women!