Geomancy: A Method for Divination
By Franz Hartmann
Publisher: Ibis Press (January 2005)
Pages: 213 – Price: $14.95 review
Beginning with “The Basic Principles of Geomancy,” the reader is given an introduction followed by planetary signs and a discussion of the symbols of Geomancy. The practice of Geomancy is detailed and the numerous positions for the symbols are discussed.
Geomancy is oftentimes referred to as the Western counterpart to the I Ching. Originally, Geomancy was practiced by using a stick to make marks in the earth, and in turn, these marks were converted into a binary system of symbols. It is a form of divining by means of using the earth, and the stick was known as the divining stick.
The book contains charts and forms to use. Also included with the book are 2,048 answers to 16 common questions. This book is of great interest for those interested in the art of Geomancy. Hartman was the author of many books, a co-founder of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), and the author of many books including With the Adepts.
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