FORTFEST A-Wake!: A Tribute to John Michell & John Keel 54th Conference on Anomalous Phenomena

SATURDAY, April 24 Conference, 9:15 A.M.-6:30 P.M., MC Larry Arnold:
Joscelyn Godwin, Ph.D., musicologist and classics professor from Colgate University, author of The Pagan Dream of the Renaissance, The Theosophical Enlightenment, Music and the Occult, The Mystery of the Seven Vowels, and his latest Anthanasius Kircher’s Theatre of the World, on the wit and wisdom of fortean philosopher king John Michell and Michell’s ground breaking last book, How The World Is Made.

Doug Skinner Fortean writer/artist/humorist/ on and off-Broadway performer extraordinaire (often with Bill Irwin), on John Keel, the Great Daddy-O of Forteana: the Untold Story (monsters and Mothman, ufos and Gray Barker, oddities, JFK, conundrums, unpublished works and the Later Years.) o

Stephen Braude, Ph.D., on ESP, Psychokinesis and the Philosophy of Science. Stephen is a philosopher/parapsychologist, author of The Gold Leaf Lady and Other Parasychological Explanations, a Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Scientific Exploration. Daniel Pinchbeck, world-traveling shaman and author of Breaking Open The Head and 2012: the Return of Quetzalcoatl with both a talk on predictions, prophecies and the whole truth on 2012 and a film on evolving consciousness Beyond 2010, New Trends In Consciousness s, that will knock your socks off.

Gary Mangiacopra, cyptozoologist and author of Does Champ Exist with Dwight G. Smith on Ivan T. Sanderson: new information and films plus an astounding potpourri from the cryptozoo including lake monsters, Turkish mermaids, 300-pound guinea pigs, flying creatures and more!

Phyllis Benjamin, journalist/artist/producer, President The International Fortean Organization (INFO) and Chair of the FortFests and FortScapes (co-Chair Al Rosensmyle) on Charles Fort’s Oeuvre.

Orion Foxwood, Elder in Traditional Craft, primary founder of the Alliance of the Old Religion, teacher of the Faery Seership tradition and author of The Tree of Enchantment and the Ancient Lore and Practices of the Faery Tradition, on The Tree of Enchantment, rituals for a New Age.

Plus: Optional Buffet in the glass enclosed rooftop 13th Floor with dessert, coffee, tea and iced tea, The Phenomenal I Would Sell My Mother To Pay For Books Sale, informal Friday in the hotel at the Three Georges Lounge and Library and Saturday Social and Networking Party in the hotel Bar Lounge/Library and late night at Rocket to Venus.

SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 9a-4p SYMBOLIST WASHINGTON (beyond Dan Brown) BY COACH with hosts Phyllis & Al, with sacred architect Alvin Holm, 32nd-degree Mason Will Fellows, Joscelyn Godwin, Faery Seer Orion Foxwood, Join us for our tour of unknown D.C! Departs and returns from the Peabody Court Hotel in Baltimore with additional pickups and drop-offs at the College Park Metro Station. Lunch on on your own at the Pavilion at the Old Post Office. Do ghost photography and EVP recordings on site. Bring water, a snack and infa-red film! *Reservations Essential.

See Web site for past conferences at

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