Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft
By Raven Grimassi
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (2003)
Second edition revised and expanded.
Pages: 552 – Price: $24.95
Ghostvillage.com review
A fascinating reference tool for those interested in the paranormal, this large book has much to offer. Well-written, well-documented, this book gives information that is hard to find in other books. Raven Grimassi is a fine writer, and he deserves much praise for his research and putting this excellent reference together.
As each entry unfolds, the reader will be pleased with the concise manner in which the book is arranged. As to theology, the pantheons, Wiccan Rede, Three-Fold Law, as well as the roots of Witchcraft and influences are detailed. Historical and sacred sites are covered. Ritual objects and tools, and verses, rites, and invocations are covered.
A nice presentation of influential Witches and people in the Craft are covered, both past and present. Unfortunately, this edition does not entry A. E. Waite or the Order of the Golden Dawn, but it certainly makes up for that absence with equally interesting persons. Each biographical entry is concise and educational. When available, a photograph is included with each biographical entry.
Among the many Witches covered are Sybil Leek and Gerina Dunwich. These entries are detailed and well-referenced. Other Witches covered include Arynn K. Azrael, Lori Bruno, Raymond Buckland, Z. Budapest, Aleister Crowley, Scott Cunningham, Dorothy Clutterbuck, Gerald Gardner, Ed Fitch, Francesca DeGrandis, Ly De Angeles, Anna Franklin, Selena Fox, Leo Martello, Kisma Stepanich, Doreen Valiente, Robin Wood, and many, many others.
This is one fine book to have on your home reference shelf, for it will give you hours upon hours of entertainment, education, and enjoyment. There are appendices covering publications, organizations, and related interests.
This is a book to have and relish. Congratulations to Raven Grimassi on a first class reference work that is precisely that! Raven Grimassi has been a teacher, writer and practitioner of magickal systems for over 25 years.