Children of the Grave
By the Booth Brothers
Publisher: Spooked Television Releasing (October 2007)
Running Time: 90 Minutes Price: $24.95 review
Philip Adrian Booth and Christopher Saint Booth have put together a remarkable look at children of the grave, those children lost and forgotten, and buried with only a number as a site marker. The film will hold your attention and is spooky! Locations for filming of haunted sites included the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and the city of Los Angeles.
Viewers will find the journey to Zombie Road and its shadow children near St. Louis, Missouri macabre viewing. For the first time, a photo shot accurately captured some of these dead shadow children on film and is shown, and discussed.
Pythian Castle, located at Springfield, Missouri, is also covered in-depth. That this orphanage has ghosts is evident. The structure was also used during World War II to interrogate Nazi prisoners of war. The brutal history of what happened at this location lives on in its ghosts, and there are psychics and sensitives who relate stories about it.
As a film about the paranormal and the supernatural, this should be among the viewer’s top selections for the year 2007. Scary and riveting, this one will hold your attention from beginning to end. The documentary features such notable paranormal investigators as: Troy Taylor, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, John Zaffis, and Keith Age. If you are interested in the paranormal, don’t miss this film!
Well crafted, historically accurate, concise, bluntly and honestly examined, truths revealed, exciting — these are a few words that define this fine DVD about ghosts and the paranormal. Highly recommended.
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