Witness: William "Mike" Browning
Location: Antelope Canyon, Arizona
Date of Encounter: May 25, 2007
My wife and I celebrated our 31st anniversary by taking a trip to Lake Powell. We took a side trip over to Page Arizona to see Antelope Canyon. I was using a new DLSR that I had got as a Christmas gift and did not realize that I had it set to shoot in a continuous mod. In the photo series that I am sending starting with IGP0362.jpg (first photo) you will see the photo that is the intended subject. The next two (IGP0363 and IGP0394) shot off before I could get my finger off the shutter button. When we returned to our room and I viewed my pictures on my laptop and that is when I noticed that in picture IGP0363 there seem to be a "ghost" image of what my wife and I think almost looks like and Indian with a feather rising from the left side of the head area. In photo IGP0364 (third photo) it looks like a small wisp of light dissipating in the center of the picture. All three picture were taken within 2 seconds.