Bide One’s Time: Ghost Children in Missouri and Elsewhere
Readers have asked, what about ghosts of children, those children that have died and not crossed over? This is a large and complex investigative subject for paranormal and supernatural studies.
Let me share some musings on ghost children. There is an abundance of stories available through oral tradition, rumors, and written accounts.
Missouri is one of the most haunted states in the United States because of its bloody American Civil War history, and big town settlements. It abounds in ghost stories, including stories of ghost children.
One aspect of ghost children not fully investigated has been stories concerning children who died in the pioneer settlements connected with the movement to the American Western Frontier. Another aspect open to investigation which has not been investigated is how many ghost children remain following the aftermath of the Great Flu Epidemic during the World War One era. Did the flu deaths reflect more children deaths in the country or more in the city? These deaths reached all levels of the social structure, whether wealthy, middle-class, or poor. But again, what was the effect on children during this epidemic, how many died?
The question is simple, and to the point. How many children out there don’t know they are dead and continue to make their presences known? The world has ghost children in every culture and every country. We are not alone.
I would suggest for additional reading these two books which come immediately to mind. Both are well-written and interesting. They are: People Who Don’t Know They’re Dead by Gary Leon Hill (Weiser Books, 2005) and, Don’t Call Them Ghosts: The Spirit Children of Fontaine Manse by Kathleen McConnell (Llewellyn, 2004).