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A Witch's Notebook: Lessons in WitchcraftA Witch’s Notebook: Lessons in Witchcraft
By Silver RavenWolf
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (May 2005)
Pages: 248 – Price: $12.95 review

This book by Silver RavenWolf is another fine example of why she is among the most respected Wiccan authors creating today, and it takes its place among her other excellent writings as a showcase for the honest research Silver RavenWolf shares with readers. The book is one you will want to add to your home library.

Among Silver RavenWolf’s previous books are To Ride a Silver Broomstick, Teen Witch, and the highly popular Solitary Witch. In her book, A Witch’s Notebook, she shares from her personal journals, notes, and personal remembrances. A memoir in some imaginative ways, this is designed as a hands-on lesson book and reflects her spiritual journey into Witchcraft since the age of thirteen. Silver RavenWolf is the mother of four children and has been married for over twenty-five years. She is the Clan Head of the Black Forest Family that includes 53 covens found in the United States.

Following an in-depth introduction, there are five chapters to enjoy and learn from. Among the numerous, well-written entries are such topics as herbs, animal magick, astral security, blessing babies, candles, compassion, dragon magick, Druid, drumming, Eye of Horus, folk magick, glamoury, god, goddess, gris-gris, healing, health, herbs, legal magick, love magick, marriage, protection magick, Voudon, white magick, and yoga.

A Witch’s Notebook is highly recommended. It educates as it entertains. 

Well-written, the style of writing is always flowing and never dull. This is among Silver RavenWolf’s finest books to date. She has written over seventeen books in her career. 

Excellent reading, A Witch’s Notebook is a genuine pleasure to read, and to review. For those interested in further information, check out

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