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Home Archives 3rd Annual Paranormal Meet and Greet in Indiana

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Annual convergence of paranormal groups to meet in Indianapolis
Indianapolis, Indiana–The 3rd Annual Paranormal Meet and Greet will take place on Saturday August, 9th 2008, in Indianapolis at the historic haunted Hannah House at 3801 Madison Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46227. It will run from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The event will be held at one of the most haunted locations in Indiana. At the Hannah House a group of slaves cramped into a dark dirt-floored cellar sat waiting for the right time to leave their hiding spot to head for the freedom of Canada using the Underground Railroad. One of them unknowingly tipped over an oil lamp, instantly igniting the fire that trapped them there for eternity. The dead were buried in the very cellar that claimed their lives in an attempt to cover up any trace of the heartbreaking incident.

The 3rd Annual Paranormal Meet and Greet is a pop culture event attracting hundreds of paranormal enthusiasts from around the Midwest. The purpose is to aid networking within the paranormal community. Enthusiasts will be able to share ideas and meet people who may bring them closer to obtaining their goals. Paranormal teams and individuals are encouraged to set up tables to present information about their organization. People looking for paranormal investigators or thinking about joining a paranormal group shouldn’t miss this opportunity to meet some of the leading organizations in paranormal investigation from around the Midwest.

For full details and for upcoming announcements
please today!

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