Ghosts, Haunting, and Legends
Home Archives Granville State Forest Orb

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Witness: Robert H. MacKinnon
Location: Granville State Forest in Granville, Massachusetts
Date of Encounter: October 4, 2003 1:43 PM

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Ghost picture - Granville Street Forest area, Granville, Massachusetts.

This is a picture I just took off one side of a dirt road in the Granville State Forest area. It has a history of a tragedy which happened at this spot in the road to an 11-year old boy in 1854 who fell off a wagon and was killed. I stopped my truck, rolled down the window, and took this shot. I downloaded the picture to my computer and noticed the "orb" just to the left corner of the sign next to the Memorial Marker where he was killed. My Wife and I were just taking a ride in this very remote area. I have a Nikon 4300 Coolpix digital camera, and I set it to "auto mode" when I took this picture. I always keep my camera lens clean too — I'm very fussy about that! So this will be my first encounter with this type of a phenomenon. What do you think?

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