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Home Archives Bide One’s Time: Thanksgiving: A Day of Forgiveness

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Lee Prosser - Bide One's Time is Lee's bi-weekly column on the supernatural.Thanksgiving Day is more than a holiday for giving thanks for our many blessings, and prayers for the less fortunate. Thanksgiving Day is a day for forgiveness.

There is much agreement that following our physical death, we leave the body behind and our spirit soars into the afterlife toward its destination. How the spirit soars once released, and how it reaches its final destination, is up to each individual.

People may be too attached to certain things and people in the previous incarnation. This makes it difficult to pass on to a higher level of spiritual enfoldment. If there is hate in one’s heart or disappointment at unfinished personal business, then the individual may remain earthbound and stay in the lower planes.

It is up to each of us to practice a form of Thanksgiving each day, at a time which is best for us. We need to forgive daily, and give thanks daily. If this becomes a true part of our living physical nature, it will carry over with us at our death. Death is nothing to be afraid of, for it is the mere simple act of leaving the physical body behind, and going on. Death is like one door closing and another opening. How you come out on the other side of the door is up to you. Perhaps one perspective would be describing the experience as suddenly arriving near a hill with trees and knowing you need to climb that hill to reach the other side. There are numerous perspectives on what awaits us at our time of death.

To wake up and realize we are each connected to one another in some form of spiritual affinity is something worthwhile to consider and think about. That all we have to do is wake up to our true self, and give thanks and forgiveness, is the secret key to passing forward into the spiritual level awaiting us in the afterlife.

Thanksgiving is a special moment in time, for giving thanks. Thanksgiving is also for giving forgiveness and asking for forgiveness. May each of us find a sense of true Thanksgiving in our hearts. Let kindness be the golden rule of this holiday.

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