The Way of Four: Create Elemental Balance in Your Life

The Way of Four: Create Elemental Balance in Your LifeThe Way of Four: Create Elemental Balance in Your Life
By Deborah Lipp
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (July 2004)
Pages: 303 – Price: $17.95 review

This will be a fascinating reading experience for those curious about the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. This book is full of insights concerning how to utilize the four elements in a personal lifestyle.

As a research tool and historical document, it is excellent. The book starts with the history of the four elements, from the Celts, to ancient India and ancient Greece, and to modern Western occultism. Another bonus to this finely written book is its in-depth discussion of the relationship between Jungian personality, the court cards of the Tarot, and the four elements. 

The reader is able to experience the power and feel of each element by way of meditations and rituals. The power of these elements, taken separately, and together, will give balance and allow you to celebrate your elemental nature. Deborah Lipp, who lives in New York, has been a traditional Gardnerian Witch since 1981. She is the author of The Elements of Ritual. Lipp has a clear, concise, and highly readable writing style which makes the reading of her book enjoyable, and fun. Lipp is an insightful author.

This book will answer all questions on the four elements. There is a section on elementals and guardians. Exercises for using each element are included. There are sections dealing with ritual, spellcraft, meditation, and magick. The appendix sections are ideal reference material including information on herbs and stones. Magick alphabets of the Runic and Theban are discussed. Bibliography and index are additional helps with plenty of useful information. There are twelve figures in the book illustrating different topics such as Os and Beorc.

Well worth your time, this is the book to have on the four elements. Immensely enjoyable reading. 

Click here to buy this book now.

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