The Voudon Gnostic Workbook: Expanded Edition
By Michael Bertiaux
Publisher: Weiser Books (July 2007)
Pages: 619 Price: $39.95 review
Long interested in the practice and knowledge of Voodoo, it is great news to find Weiser Books has brought out the expanded classic on Voudon and Gnostic practices, applications, and history. The introduction by Voudon Gnostic scholar, Courtney Willis, is topnotch and typical of Willis’ excellent writing. Available for the first time, the complete Michael Bertiaux text in its rare form is available, and it is a welcome addition to those interested in its fascinating subject matter.
This is a sacred work, highly readable and highly comprehensive in approach. Voodoo derives from the Dahomean Gods called the Loa. Michael Bertiaux is a well-known occult practitioner and instructor in Chicago, Illinois. Bertiaux’s work is the seminal text on the subject.
This large book contains several parts, with each part containing several chapters. If you wish to learn what and how to do in Voudon, this is definitely the book to own in your home library. The subject of time travel is covered among many, many, many topics. You will learn magick from this book, and how to use it.
Click here to buy this book now.