The Death and Afterlife Book: The Encyclopedia of Death, Near Death, and Life After Death
By James R. Lewis; Foreword by Raymond A. Moody, Jr., M.D.
Publisher: Visible Ink Press (September 2001)
Pages: 420 – Price: $19.95 review
First, let me share this with you as your reviewer and guide to the book, buy it! A most complete look at death as you will find anywhere, it is a memorable reading journey through what death is to different people and different cultures.
The contents of this fine nonfiction work will delight the investigative reader of the paranormal. Arranged alphabetically by letter, the introduction is followed by A’s which include such topics as: Akashic Records, Alchemy, Angel of Death, Apparition, Thomas Aquinas, Astral Projection, Astrology and Reincarnation, Aura, among other topics. Each topic is presented in-depth, factual, and in an interesting manner.
A sampling of other topics include Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Buddhism, Edgar Cayce, Channeling, Communication with the Dead, William Jackson Crawford, Descent into the Underworld, Discarnate Entity, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Extraterrestrial Incarnations, Arthur Augustus Ford, Ghosts, Gnosticism, Group Karma, Guardian Spirit, Hinduism, Incarnation, William James, Jiva, Carl Gustav Jung, Karma, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Life Reading, Mediumship, Mystery Religions, North American Indians, Out-of-the-Body Experiences, Phone Calls from the Departed, Racial Memory, Reincarnation, Society for Psychical Research, Summerland, Time Travel, Underworld, Voodoo, Walk-ins, Yama, Yoga, Zombie, among many others!
This book is an enjoyable reading adventure and will give hours of information that is both educational and entertaining. This book would make a nice gift for a friend, personal use, and a definite item to have your public library.
I highly recommend this book as a reference text. Honest, straight-forward, it will intrigue you from beginning to end.
Click here to buy this book now.