Tarot Theory and Practice

Tarot Theory and Practice by Ly de AngelesTarot Theory and Practice
By Ly de Angeles
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (November 2007)
Pages: 291 Price: $16.95

Ghostvillage.com review

An interesting look at tarot as a divination tool, this enjoyable book covers a lot of tarot territory quickly and in a fast-paced manner. The book reads well and is clearly written for hands-on use.

There is much to share, and Ly de Angeles does precisely that. Information covered includes numerous topics, such as quantum time and multiple lives, the fascinating concept of shadow reality, free will and fate, the Tree of Life, personal energy fields, gods, ghosts, the random factor, predictions and prophecies, self-protection, and psychic clag.

The card illustrations are superb, and are from the Llewellyn tarot deck by Anna-Marie Ferguson. Ferguson is a gifted artist, and this is beautiful artwork.

There are several sample spreads and advice. Mind-expanding exercises are discussed. There are case histories shared with the reader. These case histories will intrigue the readers with what each reveals!

For an enjoyable, educational look at tarot, Ly de Angeles has captured the feeling of what tarot is and what tarot can accomplish for the individual. To contact the author, the following listing is printed in the internet references section: www.lydeangeles.com.

Click here to buy this book now.

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