Shamanic Christianity: The Direct Experience of Mystical Communion

Shamanic Christianity: The Direct Experience of Mystical Communion by Bradford KeeneyShamanic Christianity: The Direct Experience of Mystical Communion
By Bradford Keeney
Publisher: Destiny Books (March 2006)
Pages: 212 – Price: $14.95 review

Bradford Keeney has written a fine book which will start the reader thinking on the real connection of Shamanism to Christianity, and visa versa. A book full of hands-on approaches to spiritual possibilities, the reader will be pleasantly startled by the author’s insights.

One of the topics covered in the book deals with how the American Indians greeted the missionaries from Europe. Whereas the missionaries came to save the Indians in America, they were completely confused by the Indians telling them they talked directly with Jesus as they knew Him. What a shock! There is a shocking silence on the Christian outlook on shamanism, nothing said. 

Bradford Keeney corrects the record with honest, accurate facts. The facts and answers will come as a surprise.

The chapters are self-explanatory and filled with surprises. Here is a sampling of the chapters: “Jesus As Shaman,” “Mary and the Religion of the Great Mother,” “St. Francis and the Teachings of the Forest,” “Hildegard and the Fire of Mystical Illumination,” “Talking to Animals and Fairies: The Celtic Saints,” “The Shamanic Use of the Holy Book,” among others.

Timely, and well-written, this is another fine book from Destiny Books. The reader will find this book fascinating in its implications. 

Bradford Keeney, Ph.D. is president of Southwestern College at Santa Fe, New Mexico. An expert on cultural healing practices, he is the author of many writings including the book, Bushman Shaman.

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