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Home Archives Secret Societies: Illuminati, Freemasons, and the French Revolution

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Secret Societies: Illuminati, Freemasons, and the French Revolution by Una BirchSecret Societies: Illuminati, Freemasons, and the French Revolution
By Una Birch
Publisher: Nicolas Hays (January 2007)
Pages: 272 – Price: $18.95 review

This book is finally in print again, having originally been published in 1911, and now, Red Wheel Weiser has made it available to the reading public. Those interested in the Illuminati, Freemasons, and the French Revolution, and the legendary characters called Cagliostro, Comte de Saint-German, among many others, will discover an intriguing reading experience in this unusual book by historian Una Birch.

Part of the charm of this book is its reflection on what secret societies continue to influence world events. Congratulations are also in order to respected author James Wasserman whose extensive annotations and biographical details make this book both educational and entertaining reading.

In addition to the appendices, there are fourteen chapters, a well-written introduction, and information on Una Birch. Readers of the supernatural and paranormal will find the chapters on the Comte de Saint-Germain of special interest, and the discussion given of him as an agent of the Illuminati. Those interested in the Illuminati will find an abundance of references.

For those interested in secret societies, this is a first-rate look at them, and well worth the reader’s time to investigate.

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