Real Energy: Systems, Spirits, and Substances to Heal, Change, and Grow

Real Energy: Systems, Spirits, and Substances to Heal, Change, and Grow by Phaedra and Isaac BonewitsReal Energy: Systems, Spirits, and Substances to Heal, Change, and Grow
By Phaedra and Isaac Bonewits
Publisher: New Page Books (March 2007)
Pages: 287 Price: $15.99 review

This new book is an important contribution to the studies in energy manifestation and usage. That it is co-authored by Phaedra and Issac Bonewits makes its appearance important in the psychic and Witch world of writings. The book examines the perceptions surrounding energy manifestation and how energy is used.

The book covers the physical vocabulary of energy, energies from the spirits, generating and focusing mystical energies, among other topics.

The introduction covers many subjects, including the backgrounds of the authors. Two sections, “The Physics Police” and “Get Some Exercise” will intrigue readers with its approach! Included are exercises to connect with energy. Magick is a part of that in many ways, which includes personal healing.

There are eleven chapters in the book. One special chapter worth mentioning is “Generating and Focusing Mystical Energies.” This chapter contains techniques from different perspectives and will have a wide appeal to the reading audience.

There is much to recommend this book! Highly readable, useful, and an enjoyable learning experience best sums up the contents of the book, and it is a fine reading journey you can come back to and take again and again and again.

Click here to buy this book now.

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