Progressive Witchcraft: Spirituality, Mysteries, and Training in Modern Wicca

Progressive Witchcraft: Spirituality, Mysteries, and Training in Modern WiccaProgressive Witchcraft: Spirituality, Mysteries, and Training in Modern Wicca
By Janet Farrar & Gavin Bone
Publisher: New Page Books (January 2004)
Pages: 288 – Price: $15.99 review

Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone are considered as being among the leading experts on the topic of contemporary Witchcraft, and the Neo-Pagan movement. Together, as a writing team, they create honest, straight-forward approaches that will appeal to all readers of the paranormal and occult studies. This latest book, Progressive Witchcraft, is about the spirituality, various mysteries, and training found in contemporary Wicca.

Following the introduction there are twelve chapters. Among the many topics covered are such item as: “In the Beginning: From Witchcraft to Wicca,” “At the Heart of Witchcraft: Spirituality and the Mysteries,” “The Gods and Goddess: Deity-Centered Witchcraft,” “Making the Witch: Training Within Witchcraft,” “Sorcery: The Magical Art of the Witchcraft,” “The Wheel: Cycles of Time and Fate” (this will have a wide appeal to all readers with its explanations!), and “The Liber Actios: A Training Manual.”

There are included in this fine book three appendix sections. These appendix data cover the Gods and Goddesses of Witchcraft, Correspondence Tables, and Spiritual/Occult Laws.

Another aspect of the book is the end notes found at each chapter conclusion. These comments are highly enjoyable and educational reading. A selection of websites is found at the end of the book.

For something well-written and educational, Progressive Witchcraft is worth your time, and energy. You will discover this is a nice reference book whether you are seeking information on astral guardians, banishing, Cabala, chakras, survivals of Witchcraft in Christianity, covens, Sabbats, Freemasonry, realms, Shamanism, or other topics.

Detailed, well-written, and excellent resources make this a reference book to own. Progressive Witchcraft is an honest analysis of its subject.

Click here to buy this book now.

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