Phantom Rooftop Figure

Witness: Emma
Location: Brixham, Devon
Date of Encounter: December 10, 2009

Me, my two brothers, and my parents were taking a walk along Brixham Pier at about 8pm. It was just starting to get dark. As we got to the end of the pier, it was getting cold so we started walking back to this little cafe we had seen.

There is a huge house towards the land side of the pier and as we got closer to the cafe, we saw someone standing on the rooftop balcony.

We all waved to this figure and he waved back at us.

The house had sparked my dad’s interest. When we went into the cafe, my dad asked one of the waitresses about the house and told her that that we had just waved to someone on the roof.

She got this confused look on her face asked us to hold up for a minute. She went into the back and returned holding her phone in her hand.

The waitress explained that her mother was the housekeeper and that the home’s owners were in India for the winter months. She gave the phone to my dad who described what we had seen. The waitress’s mother then explained that she was the only one currently in the house but that we were not the first group of people over the years to have inquired about waving figure from the roof!

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