Witness: Leslie Boyette
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Date of Encounter: July 2003
On our first visit to Cancun, Mexico in July 2003, my partner and I visited Chichen Itza, the fascinating ruins located about a three-hour bus ride from Cancun. My mom collects rocks from places she has traveled, so I thought it would be cool to pick up a rock at these ruins to take back to her. BAD IDEA!
We returned home from Cancun on a Thursday, and went to bed exhausted from the trip home (especially the standing in long lines at Customs at the Atlanta Airport). Sometime during that first night home, objects began falling on the bed from out of nowhere. Paper clips, small batteries, an old handheld Dictaphone — things that had been lying loosely in a drawer in the bedroom. Startled, we did not know what to make of it. At first, we thought that we were so tired, maybe we were imagining it. We did not know what to make of this, and were pretty disturbed about it. Strangely, nothing else like this happened for a period of about two weeks.
Then one night my partner got a phone call from his mom, who lives in Texas, on the border of Mexico, and speaks only Spanish. She is pretty superstitious, and was calling because she had been to a psychic that she talks to frequently who had told her that he was concerned for her son that lives in Atlanta. She had gone to talk to him about one of her other sons, who was very sick, but the "witch doctor," as she calls him, would only talk about Francisco (my partner). He told her that Francisco and his lover (me) had gone on a trip to Cancun, and he said, "Two went down there, but three came back." He told Francisco's mother that he wanted to us to call him, because he was communicating with the spirit that had come home with us! Right away, Francisco called the "witch doctor" in Mexico, and learned that this spirit's name was "Paco" and that it had followed us back home because there was something about us that he liked. While he was on the phone, the psychic asked us to turn off all the lights, and he would try to communicate with the spirit. The spirit told him that he was not leaving. He said this over and over to the psychic. The psychic encouraged us to try to communicate with the spirit ourselves, and suggested getting a Ouija board. The next day, we went to our local "Toys 'R Us" — of all places — and bought a Ouija board, which I have always had a fear of. I have always believed that they can bring in far worse things than you can imagine. That night, we communicated with the spirit using the Ouija board. We asked the spirit his name, and the board spelled out "P-A-C-O." We asked if we should be afraid of him, and the reply was "NO." We asked what it was that he was attracted to about us, and he spelled out "S-E-X." When we asked if he was ever going to show himself to us, the reply came, "S-T-O-P." Several times, we got this same reply, so we did stop. We were terrified to know that there was actually an entity that had followed us home from Mexico. We wondered was this thing on the plane with us? How did it travel? Did it really come with the rock I had foolishly picked up at Chichen Itza? I called a good friend who has a lot of knowledge about spirits and hauntings, and asked her what to do. She suggested that I get some white sage (found in specialty shops like in Little Five Points), and told me how to perform a cleansing ritual. As I was on the phone with her, talking about how to rid our apartment of this ghost, I heard a loud smack, and saw two limes hit the floor. Francisco, who was watching TV while I was on the phone in the bedroom, said he saw two limes raise out of the fruit bowl on the kitchen counter, then slam into the wall. When I looked down at the floor, one of the limes had actually turned the corner, as if it were coming down the hall toward the bedroom, where I was! Paco was listening to my telephone conversation, and was reacting to it.
That night we were woke up by a very bright flash of light, out of nowhere. Once we were awake enough to try to figure out what happened, we saw the flash attachment to our 35mm camera laying between us in bed. This flash attachment had appeared out of nowhere, and had gone off all by itself.
The next day, Paco made it very clear that he had no intentions of leaving. He sent e-mails to me and to Francisco that said, over and over and over, "I AM NOT LEAVING." Francisco happened to turn on his PalmPilot looking for a friend's address, and who had added his name to the list of contacts? Paco! He called himself "PacoPaco." Francisco was so freaked out by this that he called MSN and tried to find out where the e-mail had originated from. Paco had created a Hotmail account and was sending both of us e-mails. Of course, the good people at MSN had no explanation for where this address originated.
During all this, Francisco began having dreams — very vivid dreams — about Paco. Paco had been a warrior at Chichen Itza, and had apparently lost his life during one of the famous matches on the Ball Court. Over the course of several nights, Francisco was able to convince Paco — during the dreams — that he needed to "move on" and that he could never have what he wanted with a living human being.
Taking my friend's advice, I had gone to a store in Little Five Points called "Crystal Blue" (excellent place) and bought some white sage. I left work early one afternoon to make the purchase, got home, and put the brown paper bag on the counter in the kitchen. I left the room briefly to go change clothes, and when I came back, the bag had completely disappeared. Into thin air. Gone. By this point, we were afraid to go to sleep at night because we might be woke up in the middle of the night by some of Paco's antics. This spirit was in our apartment, and was evening listening to our conversations. We were worried that we may never get rid of him!
The very next day, Francisco was at work when all of a sudden, he heard a man's voice whisper "goodbye" in his ear. At that same exact time, an e-mail popped up on my work e-mail address from Paco, titled, "Please read this because I am leaving." I knew the e-mail had appeared simultaneously with Francisco hearing the voice, because he called me just as soon as it happened. And the e-mail had just popped up on my screen. In his farewell e-mail, Paco said that we should take care of each other. He also admitted to hiding the white sage, because he said he wanted to leave on his own, and not be forced out. We never heard anything else from Paco, in dreams or otherwise, and we believe he has gone to some other dimension.