Witness: Dana Carfrey
Location: Columbus, Georgia
Date of Encounter: 2000 to Present
I work part-time at a locally-owned restaurant, where I have worked off and on for the past nine years. It is an historic home built in 1839, and was previously a doctor's office. It is located in the Historic District in downtown and on the banks of the Chattahoochee River, where many Civil War battles were waged. Most of the employees, including myself, have had multiple encounters, including seeing a man and an elderly woman, hearing a laughing child running down the hall, and hearing them call our names. At one time, I became physically ill by a presence in the room I was working in. My mouth began to water, I became nauseous and chilled, and even threw up!
Recently one of our customers took a photo of the front of the home while standing on the front lawn around 6:00 PM with a digital camera. He sent the photo to the manager who in turn emailed it to me. There are multiple entities visible (along the lines of eight or more), along with orbs. Shy, they definitely are not, and we would love for someone to take an interest and come and research this for us. While the owner himself pooh-poohs us and our stories, the whole rest of the staff along with former employees have many encounters to share. Can anyone help us to research this and discover what we can about these experiences? I will hold my photo until I am contacted, for I would like to be involved with pointing out the various entities, etc. This place is a hotbed of paranormal activity worth checking into.