Love Lives On: Learning from the Extraordinary Encounters of the Bereaved

Love Lives On: Learning from the Extraordinary Encounters of the Bereaved by Louis LaGrand, Ph.D.Love Lives On: Learning from the Extraordinary Encounters of the Bereaved
By Louis LaGrand, Ph.D.
Publisher: Berkley Trade (November 2006)
Pages: 246 – Price: $14.00 review

Louis LaGrand is the author of many books, and a grief counselor. In this finely written book, LaGrand discusses how death may end a life, but it does not end the bonds of a living relationship. He shares insights with the reader which are invaluable and helpful.

The contents of the book are well-conceived. There is a nicely written introduction followed by chapter one which deals with the embrace of mystery.

What follows is what the author titles “The Seven Wisdom Lessons.” These chapters are incredibly revealing in their intent and logic, and each covers a topic in-depth. Topics include accepting death as a door, not a wall; what you focus on expands; we are not alone; action heals; rebuild your inner life; choose to serve; and, you are loved forever. In addition to the bibliography, there are three appendices which cover suggested readings, nine survival skills for coping with loss and change, and the many myths about grief.

This book shines as a positive example of how to maintain a giving attitude while seeing death as a door not a wall, and strengthening the belief that one is never alone. This book will help the grieving over the death of a loved one. This is about the soul, and the normal experiences of those who grieve the death of a loved one.

A quote found on page 63 reveals the core of this excellent nonfiction book:

“Bemoan not the departed with excessive grief.
The dead are devoted and faithful friends; they
are ever associated with us.”

Highly recommended reading.  

Click here to buy this book now.

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