Learning Ritual Magic: Fundamental Theory and Practice for the Solitary Apprentice
By John Michael Greer, Clare Vaughn, and Earl King, Jr.
Publisher: Weiser Books (October 2004)
Pages: 271 – Price: $19.95
Ghostvillage.com review
A nicely conceived guide to learning solitary magick based on Western Mystery Traditions, this book will be valuable in many ways. Tarot, ritual magick, Qabala, and astrology are included in this reference book.
The book carries written endorsements from many well-known individuals including Dr. John Gilbert, Ph.D, the Druidry professor for over thirty years at the Universal Seminary. The authors of this fine book are founders of a magickal order in the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucian traditions, which they have updated for contemporary times.
Following the introduction, the chapters are presented to the reader in the form of concise lessons. There are eighteen lessons. A ritual for self-initiation is included in Appendix A. Among the lessons are found material such as the universe of high magick, the scale of unity, know yourself, the key of consciousness, and the way of initiation.
This book will provide fascinating reading and education. Congratulations to the authors for a job well done. Excellent.
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