Home of the Gods by Hugh Fox

Home of the Gods by Hugh FoxHome of the Gods
By Hugh Fox
Publisher: Galde Press (January 2003)
Pages: 257 – Price: $16.95

Ghostvillage.com review

Hugh Fox is a prolific author, and Home of the Gods ranks among his finest books to date. Many illustrations are in this book. Hugh Fox gives us a researched and corrected view of the connection between the Phoenicians and Sumerians in the Old World and the ancient Americas, Mexico, Peru, and Bolivia in the New World.

What is most fascinating about this book is the amount of factual data that has been overlooked for so long, factual data that throws a new and honest look on what really happened in these ancient times. That there is undeniable links between common myths, linguistics, and related material becomes evident. The artifact similarities between the Mayan and Phoenician cultures is defined and illustrated.

This is the type of book which will have a wide appeal, and those interested in supernatural aspects will find items of interest. Research at the pre-Columbian ruins of Tiawanaku, Bolivia reveals it was a center of sun worship for the old world and the new world. Many secrets are discovered at this site which give fresh knowledge.

Following the well-written introduction, there are four parts to the book. These are: Opening the Door, The Old World and the New: Links and Correspondences, Theory and Speculation, and the Conclusion.

This book will hold your interest. If you are intrigued by the Home of the Gods, this is the place to discover the latest facts about them! Entertaining reading!

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