Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds
By Jerome Clark
Publisher: Visible Ink Press (June 2010)
Pages: 300 – Price: $24.95
Official Ghostvillage.com Review
Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds is exciting to read! Educational and entertaining, the author writes in clear, concise language, and shares his unusual findings with the readers. Following the Acknowledgments and Introduction are three parts. Each part treats in-depth a different set of topics.
Part one is about earth’s secret places. Such topics as Edgar Cayce, Lemuria, cities of the poles, and demons beneath us are examined. Part two concerns alternate solar system material. Discussions about extraterrestrials are presented, and extremophiles are examined, including love and life on the outer planets. Part three has a wide-ranging appeal, as it concerns findings and ideas about the world and the otherworld. Fairies, spectral armies, sky serpents, and mystery aeronauts from the twilight zone are examined. A concise set of endnotes is followed by a nice index.
Jerome Clark has written more than twenty books for publication which includes his highly popular UFO Encyclopedia. He resides and writes in Minnesota.
Well-written, well-researched, and possessing an inquiry approach from beginning to end, this is one interesting reading experience! Highly recommend.
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