Hidden Language Codes: Reprogram Your Life

Hidden Language Codes: Reprogram Your Life by Reengineering Your Vocabulary by R. Neville JohnstonHidden Language Codes: Reprogram Your Life by Reengineering Your Vocabulary
By R. Neville Johnston
Publisher: Weiser Books (December 2005)
Pages: 172 – Price: $14.95

Ghostvillage.com review

The author, R. Neville Johnston was shot in 1977 and died. He came back to life and discovered he could understand the miracle of meaningful vibrations in creating a life the he wanted to lead. He understood how to use these vibrations. In this book, he shares that special knowledge he brought back with him from the other side.

Words as power and obsolete language are discussed and defined in detail. The reader will understand how to use positive words to make a meaningful and positive life.

The point of the book is to discard language that defeats and replace that language with a positive vocabulary of solid power and sovereignty. The author succeeds in sharing this body of information with the reader.

Clearly written, and in a straight-forward style of writing, the material comes to life in many exciting ways. This is a concise book, and everything said is valuable.

For an interesting look at what you say is what you become and are, this is the one. The author has written a helpful guide, one that is educational and enjoyable reading. The reader will find much food for thought in this fine nonfiction book.

Click here to buy this book now.

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