Haunted Missouri: A Ghostly Guide to the Show-Me State’s Most Spirited Spots

Haunted Missouri: A Ghostly Guide to the Show-Me State's Most Spirited Spots by Jason OffuttHaunted Missouri: A Ghostly Guide to the Show-Me State’s Most Spirited Spots
By Jason Offutt
Publisher: Truman State University Press (May 2007)
Pages: 187 Price: $19.95

Ghostvillage.com review

Haunted Missouri is an exciting, well-written book about the paranormal and supernatural in the haunted state of Missouri, probably one of the most haunted states in the United States. The photos are excellent, and the factual information is accurate, amazing, and entertaining reading.

As a ghostly guide to Missouri, this is a topnotch book and should have a wide appeal for all readers. Arranged in sections, with individual locations, the book examines many haunted areas. There are 32 chapters in the book.

Among the numerous places covered in-depth in Offutt’s fine book, are the following: “Bone Hill, Levasy,” “Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield, Republic,” Vaile Mansion, Independence,” “1069 Salon and Spa, St. Charles,” “Mt. Gilead School, Kearney,” “Peace Church Cemetery, Joplin,” “Mark Twain Cave, Hannibal,” “The Elms Resort and Spa, Excelsior Springs,” and “Jesse James Farm, Kearney.”

“Spook Light, Seneca” will hold the readers attention with its strangeness and macabre setting. Driving directions are given for finding its location.

Readers will also discover with keen interest two chapters on the paranormal titled Chapter 29: “Pythian Castle, Springfield” and Chapter 30: “Landers Theater, Springfield.”

For readers of the paranormal and supernatural, and the general reading audience, the Jason Offutt book is worth your time. This book would make a good gift for a friend and should be considered as a book to be ordered for your local library patrons for ghostly reading! Congratulations to Jason Offutt for a well-researched and well-written book, and to Truman State University for publishing it.

Jason Offutt lives with his wife Kimberly and children in Maryville, Missouri. He is a journalism instructor at Northwest Missouri State University. Offutt will be among the first to share the fact that there are thousands of haunted places in Missouri. Perhaps this book is a prelude to further paranormal research in Missouri by Offutt. He lists his Web site at www.jasonoffutt.com. Other information about books can be found at http://tsup.truman.edu. located in Kirksville, Missouri.

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