Forbidden History: Prehistoric Technologies, Extraterrestrial Intervention, and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization

Forbidden History: Prehistoric Technologies, Extraterrestrial Intervention, and the Suppressed Origins of CivilizationForbidden History: Prehistoric Technologies, Extraterrestrial Intervention, and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization
Edited by J. Douglas Kenyon
Publisher: Bear & Company (April 2005)
Pages: 322 – Price: $18.00 review

Forbidden History is one of the best books available for reading in the year 2005! Sure to cause controversy, it is entertaining reading.

J. Douglas Kenyon is the editor of this excellent collection of forty-two essays. These essays were originally published in the bimonthly journal, Atlantis Rising. The collection provides a complex and tantalizing approach to ancient mysteries and alternative history. Among the many well-known contributors are Robert Schoch, Rand Flem-Ath, Moira Timms, Frank Joseph, Will Hart, and Christopher Dunn. What these essays delve into are three major topics: prehistoric technologies, extraterrestrial intervention, and the suppressed origins of civilization.

The photos give graphic and startling testimony to things not often seen. Essays in this book will find different readers for different topics, each is a gem of insight.

Some of the interesting essays include Peter Bors’s “The Case for the Flood: Exposing the Scientific Myth,” David Lewis’s “The Enigma of India’s Origins,” Robert M. Schoch’s “New Studies Confirm Very Old Sphinx,” J. Douglas Kenyon’s “Fingerprinting the Gods,” Will Hart’s “The Central American Mystery,” Rand Flem-Ath’s “Atlantis in Antarctica,” Frank Joseph’s “Japan’s Underwater Ruins,” David Lewis’s “India 30,000 B.C.E.,” among others.

These essays are first-rate writing, filled with accuracy and an abundance of factual data. The photos that accompany some of the essays will shock you with their revelations.

This reviewer has read this big, thick nonfiction book twice and came away each time with a sense of having received an educational, thrilling look at material which is fresh and unusual. Highly recommended reading for all readers. A real fine, get a copy today and settle back for a great reading journey!

Click here to buy this book now.

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