Conversations With Eternity: The Forgotten Masterpiece of Victor Hugo

Conversations With Eternity: The Forgotten Masterpiece of Victor HugoConversations With Eternity: The Forgotten Masterpiece of Victor Hugo
By Victor Hugo, translated with a commentary by John Chambers, introduction by Martin Ebon
Publisher: New Paradigm Books (November 1998)
Pages: 272 – Price: $13.95 review

For readers of the paranormal, this book will be a shocker with its vivid details, revelations, and intriguing approaches. Translated from French with commentary by John Chambers, and with an introduction to who Victor Hugo was by Martin Ebon, this books makes for fascinating reading.

Victor Hugo wrote many novels, the most famous being Les Miserables. During Hugo’s exile from 1853 to 1855 on the island of Jersey, he channeled thousands of messages from the famous dead. These spirits from beyond the grave and other star systems revealed to Hugo the existence of powerful energies. They told Hugo they were attempting to raise the vibrational level of the earth to a higher plane. These messages were 150 years ahead of their time, and in this book the reader comes to understand the challenges and potential of these important messages that were channeled through Victor Hugo.

Long out of print, it is now available again. The translation and commentary by John Chambers is brilliant, honest, and accurate. The introduction by Martin Ebon is flawless, in style and in intent. This is the type of book that needs to be placed in the home library for reference and in the public library for those patrons interested in the paranormal.

The book contains 22 chapters opening with data to tell who the messengers were, the way of contact, and what they represented in terms of paranormal contact. The chapters are “Journeys to the Afterworld,” “Hannibal Storms the Turning Tables,” “Metempsychosis Speaks,” “The Haunting of Victor Hugo," “The Secret World of Animals,” “Roarings of Ocean and Comet,” “Voyage to the Planet Mercury,” “Galileo on the Unexplainable,” among others. At the conclusion of this fine reference work is a section on the works consulted during the translation of the work.

This is a superb nonfiction book. Much praise is due John Chambers for his masterful and accurate translation and incisive commentary. Highly recommended. John Chambers is the author of many paranormal articles, including “The Channeled Myths of James Merrill” which appeared in The Anomalist, No. 5, Summer 1997 issue. Martin Ebon is the author of many paranormal books, and his “Victor Hugo” A Two-Year Dialogue with Ghosts” appeared in the book, They Knew the Unknown published in 1971. 

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