Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara: Lore, Rituals, Activities, and Symbols
By Ashleen O’Gaea
Publisher: New Page Books (June 2004)
Pages: 221 – Price: $14.99
Ghostvillage.com review
This is a fine book for reviewing lore, learning rituals, and gaining insight into activities and symbols of the seasons of life.
Ashleen O’Gaea is the author of several books, including Raising Witches: Teaching the Wiccan Faith to Children. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona.
This book will have a definite appeal to those interested in learning about holidays that pertain directly to the Pagan community. In-depth looks at Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, and Ostara are given, and each section contains much colorful and educational information. What is most attractive about this book is that each entry has four parts, for instance: Ostara — lore, rituals, activities, and symbols.
There is a helpful broom blessing found on page 117 for those interested in Imbolc. Each item is interesting and holds the reader’s attention. The index is concise. On page 191 is “Casting A Wiccan Circle.”
Ashleen O’Gaea writes with wit, intelligence, and solid research. If you are new to her work, this is an excellent, well-written book. A nice reference guide.
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