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A Treatise on Angel Magic: Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks edited by Adam McLeanA Treatise on Angel Magic: Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks
Edited by Adam McLean
Publisher: Weiser Books (March 2006)
Pages: 225 – Price: $18.95 review

Adam McLean is a gifted scholar and highly respected authority on alchemical texts and symbolism. He is the editor of more that forty books. A Treatise on Angel Magic is a link between John Dee and modern schools of occult knowledge. This is an exact translation of the 17th century text. The link is readily seen between John Dee and 19th century occult traditions such as The Golden Dawn, Aurum Solis, and the O.T.O. founded by Aleister Crowley.

This translation also contains charts and explanatory diagrams in hermetics not often seen elsewhere. That is another important contribution of this book.

McLlean covers the Schemhamphoras, the hierarchies of the fallen angels, the images of the Mansions of the Moon, evocation of the Nature Spirits, and John Dee’s famous Enochian system of Angel conjuration. McLean also concludes this fine nonfiction work with Dr. Rudd’s Treatise on the Nine Hierarchies of Angels and their conjuration to visible appearance. Yes, that is correct: Conjuration to visible appearance. It is all there, nothing left out. As McLean states in his fine introduction, most magicians were highly concerned with making a true distinction between truthful angels and dissembling devils.

The seals are shown with illustrations and text. Very exact, very concise and to the point. 

This is one of the finest translations on angel magic made in recent times, and accurate. As an authority in his field, more can be found about this fine writer and editor at Adam McLean lives in England.

Click here to buy this book now.

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