A Screaming Ghost

Witness: John
Location: Yorktown Heights, New York
Date of Encounter: 1984

I was sleeping at my former girlfriend's parents house. Her father worked for the US postal service in New York City — he would get up very early in the morning usually before the sun rises. I was only allowed to sleep by myself with her father being strict — he had rules about not sleeping in the same room. So I was sleeping on the couch in the living room, though on this night I was at least trying to.

I kept tossing and turning and was unusually awake for these late/early morning hours. Her father was not only a postal worker but also a weekend auxiliary cop. I knew from my girlfriend that he kept two handguns in his nightstand. And if he found me with her in bed I think he might blow me away. (That gets important later in my story.) Now her mother was a sweet lady, she would get up very early to make her husband breakfast before his long drive to the city for work. I could see their bedroom door from the couch I was sleeping on. And it was closed. But the light came on as her father was getting dressed. I thought I saw her mother get up to make him breakfast, and I assumed she was wearing a soft white nightgown — because that's all I could barely make out as I looked at it with the minimal light that was bleeding through the bottom of the door. But I kept trying to focus my eyes on her mother standing in front of the door.

I then realized it was a ghost — what is called a full blown apparition. I kept rubbing my eyes as I was having a hard time figuring out what was where. I didn't want to believe it was a ghost. But as it became apparent to me it was quite indeed a ghost, I got full of fear. This ghost was only about 22 feet from where I was laying on the couch. The ghost was looking through their bedroom door with its back to me. But when it sensed my presence, it turned around to look at me. It was a man with a long beard and he had a funny shaped hat — almost like a bishops hat, but it looked like it was made of fur or leather. He was floating about two feet off the ground. And his head was by the ceiling. He started to yell at me but there was no sound. It was like he was in another dimension and he was not allowed to be seen and he was freaked about me seeing him. I was so scarred a chill ran down my spine and I threw the sheet over my head. But as I lay there I grew fearful as if he was going to do something to me so I jumped up and ran into my girlfriend's room. I told her what was going on. She was surprised but didn't write me off. She believed me to the point of letting me stay in her room. I was more scared of the ghost than I was of being shot by her father.

Now her mother came out and made breakfast. Than her father came out and all of a sudden I hear him yelling. "What is he doing in her bedroom?" I told Debbie to go in there (the kitchen) and tell him what happened. Her father called me into the kitchen and I thought to myself; here I go… it's how my life ends. But he asked me, "Is it true you saw a ghost at my bedroom door?" And I said yes. He said, "I believe you because for years I would see something out of the corner of my eye while I am getting dressed in front of the mirror in my bedroom. I turn around and nothing is standing there. So you saw it, huh?" I said clear as day. I went on to describe what it looks like to him and lucky for me he believed me and didn't shoot me!

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