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New England Legends
Jeff Belanger's Emmy-nominated series explores the ghosts, monsters, and mysteries of New England!

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Dear Ghostvillagers,

Whenever I hear those first few bass pops from Stevie Wonder’s song “Superstition,” I start groovin’. It’s all there in the song “…broke the lookin’ glass / Seven years of bad luck, the good things in your past.” Not just a great song, “Superstition” taps into something we all feel at some point, whether it’s carrying a lucky rabbit’s foot (never lucky for the rabbit), avoiding the path of a black cat, or eating chicken before every professional baseball game you play in, superstition is a force that crawls inside of us and makes a home. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense or not.

Here’s the funny thing: to the individual, superstition is hard science! If you eat chicken before a baseball game and have a good game, then one day you skip the chicken and play lousy, that’s easy observable science. Eating chicken may not guarantee a good game, but skipping it guarantees a bad game. It may sound ridiculous, but it was a fact for Red Sox Hall of Famer Wade Boggs.

Believe in a thing and it becomes real. Tell my seven-year-old daughter that her stuffed animals aren’t real. She loves them, plays with them daily, and they love her back. It’s real. Tell me the two aces I’ve carried in my wallet for the last twenty years don’t mean anything and I’ll vehemently disagree. Superstitious? Yes. Invalid? No.

This month we’re going to explore superstitions on the NEW Last month we announced the re-launch, and if you haven’t checked in lately, we’ve polished the fenders, added some new content, and integrated everything. We’ll be adding new features regularly now. Be sure to check out all of the great creepy photography from Frank Grace! If you like the image, you can click on it and purchase prints online.

In other big news this month, my New England Legends show that I produced, wrote, and hosted for PBS earned an Emmy nomination! This whole project was funded by myself and my partner, producer, director, and editor Tony Dunne. We enlisted our friends, Director of Photography Nate Buynicki, and musician John Judd, and then begged, borrowed, and stole to get these two episodes produced.

Now that we’ve been nominated, other New England PBS stations have agreed to air the show, so I’ll be announcing new air dates soon. It’s been an amazing journey, and to earn this nomination on a project that we built from nothing is so satisfying. Thank you to everyone who has purchased the DVDs and supported me on this project. We’ve been filming other shorter segments for PBS affiliate WGBY—those segments will be available on for viewing after they air. It’s been a blast to work on these stories. In many cases, these legends are so visual, there’s no other way but to strap on your boots and take a camera out there.

Speaking of out there… (for me, at least) I just got back from Australia. It was as far from home as I could travel (had I gone any further, I would have been getting closer again). I was a speaker at the Paracon Australia event at Maitland Gaol. I had an amazing time and met a great bunch of people. My buddy, Ouija board expert Robert Murch was there too. Inside the old jail we may have broken a record: 67 people using Ouija Boards at once. Somehow the portal to hell didn’t open, but we did open up some great discussions. Thanks to all my new mates Down Under!

Enjoy the rest of the newsletter below.

Supernaturally yours,

Jeff Belanger
Mayor of

Twitter: @THEJeffBelanger
Facebook: Jeff Belanger

The Spirits of the Murdock-Whitney House

Whomever the old woman is that haunts the Murdock-Whitney House, she's very protective of her home. She wanders the hallways, and is especially averse to allowing people into her bedroom. Her footsteps are heard throughout the house, including the mysterious third floor, in which the staff refuses to enter by themselves.

Built from 1820-1830, the Murdock-Whitney House is the home of the Winchendon Historical Society and one of the town's most beautiful and historic mansions, with its Colonial Revival redesign and Victorian elements.

Joining us on this event will be Dustin Pari from Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International! Click here for more information:

Jeff Belanger's Upcoming Events
This is the place to find out where author and founder Jeff Belanger will be speaking on the subject of the paranormal. If you're interested in booking Jeff for a conference or other event, please visit: for more information.

Events Scheduled:

A Weird Massachusetts Evening at the Haverhill Public Library - Haverhill, Massachusetts - May 22, 2014
Terror Con - Providence, Rhode Island - June 7-8, 2014
2014 MENSA North American Annual Conference - Boston, Massachusetts - July 3, 2014
The Spirits of the Murdock-Whitney House - Winchendon, Massachusetts - July 12, 2014
A Weird Massachusetts Evening with Jeff Belanger - Norton Public Library - Norton, Massachusetts - August 12, 2014 6:30PM
Time Travelling with Jeff Belanger - Berkley Public Library - Berkley, Massachusetts - August 14, 2014 7:00PM
Fantomfest - San Antonio, Texas - September 27-28, 2014
A Supernatural Evening with Jeff Belanger at the East Bridgewater Public Library - East Bridgewater, Massachusetts - October 6, 2014 6:00PM
Paracon 2014 Shooting Star Casino - Mahnomen, Minnesota - October 10-11, 2014
A Supernatural Evening with Jeff Belanger - Hudson Public Library - Hudson, Massachusetts - October 15, 2014 6:30PM
A Supernatural Evening with Jeff Belanger - Hudson Historical Society - Hudson, New Hampshire - October 16, 2014 7:00PM
A Supernatural Evening with Jeff Belanger at SUNY Genesee Community College - Batavia, New York - November 7, 2014 7:30PM
Old Mill ParaFest - Dundee, Michigan - November 8, 2014 Advertising Opportunities
Each month reaches tens of thousands of people interested in the paranormal. We offer the most effective and best-valued advertising and sponsorship packages of any paranormal media outlet. Please visit: for details.

If you're ready to put to work for your company or organization, send us an email to get started.

New Articles Since Last Month

Encounters: The Rattling Door

Encounters: A Demonic Figure in My Home

30 Odd Minutes: Mission 159 – A Deadly Haunting with Joie Albrecht and Deborah Moffitt

News: New England Legends Television Series on PBS Receives Emmy Nomination

Encounters: Papa’s Last Visit

Encounters: My First Ghost Hunt

30 Odd Minutes: Mission 158 – Phantom Hitchhikers with Christopher Balzano

New England Legends: The Ghosts of Ventfort Hall in Lenox, Massachusetts

Encounters: My Childhood Home

30 Odd Minutes: Mission 157 – Astral Projection with William Buhlman

Hot Threads and the Community
In the past month, tons of new people registered for free to join our supernatural discussion! Have you?

If you have registered for our message boards but haven't validated your account yet, it's simple to do! Look for the email that was automatically sent to you when you registered and click on the account activation link in the email (note: some bulkmail filters may block this email, so you'll need to check your bulkmail folder if the validation email didn't immediately come through). There are always great discussions going on in our huge message board community. We hope you'll get involved. It's free to register if you're not already a member. Here are some of the hot topics this month:

Personal Encounter
A symbol on the mirror.

Religion and Spirituality
Do you ever get annoyed with God?

Spirit Communication
Seeing and feeling spirits.

Global warming: a faked propaganda?

Haunted Locations
Haunted places in Kentucky.

Beginner's Block
How to know if you're a sensitive.

General Board
Zombie March - a short story.

Urban Legends, Myths, and Folklore
World's oldest pyramids found in Alaska.

Evidence Alley
Ghost photo from a cemetery.

Board of the Month -- Superstition
What are your superstitions? Quick Stats:
326,817 Posts in the Town Square Message Boards
30,338 Members in the Town Square
1,146 "Personal Encounters" published on
30,315 Subscribers to this newsletter

Support is the Web's largest supernatural community, the central place where people come to share their experiences, thoughts, and research. Please help us continue to grow by buying a copy of The World's Most Haunted Places, Communicating With the Dead, The Encyclopedia of Haunted Places, The Nightmare Encyclopedia, Our Haunted Lives, Ghosts of War, The Ghost Files, Weird Massachusetts, Who's Haunting the White House?, The Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, Picture Yourself Legend Tripping, Chasing Spirits, 2014 Haunted New England wall calendar. Every little bit helps run our servers and helps the site get bigger and better! Please also click on our banner ads and support our advertisers -- when you do business with someone who advertises with, let them know you saw their ad with us and thank them for the support.

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